
Archive for the ‘100 Words’ Category

100 Words: October 17, 2009

October 23, 2009 1 comment

Sweet dreams....

Last night I dreamt I was asleep in a sailboat.

I was laying in the cabin in the half light of pre-dawn. I felt the gentle swaying movement of boat on water, and a light breeze drifting in the little round window, falling softly across the back of my hand, kind of like a tiny waterfall made of air. There was no sound beyond the murmur of distant waves and the occasional *clink* of the rigging.

To dream of dreaming in such a place and know I can visit again tonight.

Categories: 100 Words

100 Words: October 16, 2009

October 23, 2009 Leave a comment

Blue. Deep, tranquil, unrelenting blue. What a gorgeous world to immerse oneself into. The light is different; layered in long, diagonal lines of glowing luminescence, electrifying the surfaces it touches.

It’s so cool down here, so removed from the opressive heat of the sun, and the chaffing wind that pushes and pulls with it’s sharp claws. They can’t come down here. They can only watch from above, hovering over the surface and dream of what lies below.

This is why blue is the color of peaceful coolness. When you are bathed by it’s light, everything else fades quietly away.

100 Words: October 14, 2009

October 17, 2009 Leave a comment

It's alright to disagree.

Opinion. That’s all it is, maybe a few facts tossed in, but there is definitely bias. There is always bias, because each person has their own unique set of experiences that completely color their view of things.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Not everyone has the freedom to actually voice it, but here in the US, we do have the right, and we also have the right to disagree with another’s opinion.

However, no one has the right to injure or abuse someone because that someone does not agree with an opinion held by another.

Categories: 100 Words Tags:

100 Words: October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009 2 comments


Getting comfortable on the tracks.

Every day that goes by is another day gone. Forever. How many tomorrows remain? How long can we exist like this…with impending destruction just a few miles out of our scope of vision?

Hope dwindles, melting inch by inch into a puddle of helplessness spilling onto the floor, cooling into a cloudy, hardened pool of inability and entrapment for all of us standing there watching the candle burn. What then, when there is nothing left but the used up matches of effort and trial? Where do you find more candles when there are none?

Categories: 100 Words

100 Words: October 12, 2009

October 13, 2009 1 comment

Careful now...

Carefully now, one foot, then the other, step by painful step. There’s no going backwards, that could be disastrous.  Only forward, step, step, check your balance, step again.

The effort of concentration gives me headaches, sometimes so bad I can’t see clearly. Still, there is no relief…only step, step, and step again.

No rest at night, sleep doesn’t come easily, I think it fears me losing my focus and so only lightly passes over me, touching me just deeply enough to dream. I wish it wouldn’t bother…my dreams aren’t worth the keeping right now.

Categories: 100 Words Tags:

100 Words: October 11, 2009

October 13, 2009 Leave a comment

Just keep walking...

Feels like we’re courting disaster, but, we keep going day after day, walking along as if everything is just fine.

Yes, everything is fine, as long as we don’t look too closely at the path we’re walking. Might as well enjoy the view as we rush towards the cliff…let’s try to focus on the beauty of the reeds we’re walking past and the color of the sky, the sound of the wind and the turning colors of the leaves in this beautiful Autumn season.

We know where we’re heading, but will we reach our destination in time? Hopefully.

Categories: 100 Words

100 Words: October 10, 2009

October 12, 2009 Leave a comment

Heaven...thank you Robert for introducing me to this lo, so many years ago.  xo!

Balsamic vinegar, garlic infused olive oil, locally baked artisan olive bread, and Yellow Tail Shiraz. I could not have ended my very hectic day in a better way. *sigh*

Whenever I take the time to think about it, I’m kind of shocked that I wasn’t aware such a culinary delight existed until a few years ago. Sad isn’t it? I think so, but hey, what more can be expected from a girl who was born in Idaho? I’m a sorry testament to the uncultured condition of my home state.

We do have excellent mashed potatoes!

Categories: 100 Words

100 Words: October 9, 2009

October 12, 2009 Leave a comment

Planes.  Ugh.

It’s gotten so that I absolutely detest airports.

No, that’s not quite right…I detest the sixty-five minutes between “goodbye” and landing safely. I become an unreasonable bundle of nervous, twisted knots because it isn’t me on the plane, it’s my daughter.

My concern isn’t lessened by the gigantic puff of blueish-black smoke that billows out of the right engine at start-up.

I watch as the propellers spin and the plane edges down the runway. I won’t breathe easily again until I hear her voice on the safe end of the flight.

Categories: 100 Words

100 Words: October 8, 2009

October 12, 2009 Leave a comment

Writer’s Block.

8 days in and *BAM*- writer’s block.  I have nothing to write about at the moment.  I’ve been stuck for the past four days.  I even googled “blog topics” and that wasn’t helpful in the slightest.

So, what to do when you don’t know what to write?  I suppose I could ramble…I’m pretty good at rambling, connecting random thoughts and ideas, shaping them into something digestible, maybe even palatable, using almost incomprehensible run-on sentence structures that in the end will say a lot more of nothing than something.

Categories: 100 Words

100 Words: October 7, 2009

October 7, 2009 2 comments

Stupid Wednesday.  Grrr...

I spent most of today thinking it was Thursday.

Thursday: second best day of the week, though in some ways even better than Friday because Thursday is Friday-Eve. It’s all about the anticipation of Friday, especially 5pm Friday!

Thursday is good simply because of it’s proximity to Friday and Friday is ALWAYS good for it is on Friday at 5pm that the weekend looms ahead in all it’s relaxing, glorious splendor. Oh, the possibilities! Oh, the fabulousness of what might be!

So you can imagine my disappointment at finding out it was merely Wednesday today.

Categories: 100 Words Tags: